Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Ugly Truth About Michele Smith

Last night's 43rd Ward Aldermanic Candidate Debate in Lincoln Park turned ugly for Michele Smith, with people whispering under their breath for her to come clean about her lies to her constituency.

Check out DNA Info: Candidates Take Aim at Smith's $84K,

Man, how the years make a difference. If former Alderman Vi Daley would have had a part-time job that made $84 a year, the then hatchet job prone Smith and her minions (Oberman, Simpson, etc.) would have had a front-of-the-townhouse, sidewalk stomping fit.

Smith ran a smear campaign against the affable Alderman Daley for years. The only way she could get any traction in the Ward was to be the gadfly who moaned and groaned and didn't do any heavy lifting.

I seen it!!! (obscure Bob Saget reference much intended)

During our sweat soaked efforts at the Old Lincoln Park Market to box up relief packages for Haiti in 2010, Smith showed up half way through the event, made a minuscule financial contribution and then asked to take a picture in front of some boxes. The team we had in place laughed, while I jumped back and forth from my sons' baseball games at Oz Park. She proved clearly she was all show and no go.

There are lots of other examples about the do-little and act-big Smith over the years.

What's important here is her paralyzing the 43rd Ward during her feeble rein.

Smith deserves unemployment not another four years and for God's sake, please, someone stop her from the elder abuse of that obviousy rich women who has been so poorly treated by Alderhack Smith.

More to come as I create the Smith vs Smith blog next.