Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is that 4 to 6 or 46 Weeks?

It has come to my attention, repeatedly, that our Ward does not have an operational website hosted by our Alderman, Michele Smith. Check out www.ward43.com and you'll be greeted with "Complete Ward43.org Coming Soon..."
   'Coming Soon' has turned to 'Coming When Already?' For example, the residents of Orchard Street have had their alley ripped up for repairs and many were not aware of the construction schedule or any other details. One neighbor called the Alderman's office and asked why there was no information posted on a website, either detailing the project or warning homeowners of the impending disruption to their daily lives. 
   The neighbor was told "we'll have the website up in 4 to 6 weeks" which prompted the following response; "Is that 46 weeks?"


  1. Posted at 2:49 am. I love Timmy's drunken posts.

  2. I've been ripped in the media by some of best, so a weak wrist slap from someone named Chimpguy barely registers.

  3. You respond to posts. Hahaha. Ok how about this Tim you're a failed stock brocker, author(Down tick)and politician(three elections three failures). So by all means stay up all night tonight getting drunnk again and plotting your revenge. Would you like me better if I was muckraker 43....oh thats you. Hahaha loser.

  4. Hey ChimpChump! You bash me for taking chances in life and you hide behind an internet alias. By the way, I responded to your email at 1 p.m. So not only are you a coward, you're a coward who can't tell time. Why would I hide behind 'Muckraker' when I've done everything in my name? So you're a lousy conspiracy theorist as well.

  5. I never said anything about what time you responded to me. Learn to read you drunk. I see Sam Sanchez is holding a fundraiser for Alderman Smith. One more of Timmy's friends saying bye bye!!!!!! By the way he is not the only person tired of your late nighht calls crying about how the Ward is suffering without you. Get grip.
