Friday, November 4, 2011

"Art is art"; The Blue Behemoth on Armitage

My good friend John Novak is a great lover of the arts. So much so in fact, that he wanted to give the 43rd Ward a gift of viewing a John Henry original in the yard of his beautiful new home on Armitage. Some art critics however, do not have the same eye for art as the fun-loving Novak. NBC's Blue Behemoth Complaint. On the other hand there are those who appreciate Novak's sharing of what has become known as the Blue Behemoth. The real question here is whether or not the steel structure's over hang on the public sidewalk is dangerous or not. Maybe it is, so Novak is willing to make a few new twists and turns and ensure the whole piece of work is entirely on his property and no threat to pedestrians. How does that impact the 43rd Ward and neighbors? We'll have to ask the Alderman, but apparently she's a little hard to track down as CBS 2's Mike Parker and some concerned residents have found: 43rd Ward's Unavailable Alderman. Apparently Parker is not on Alderman Smith's fundraising email list or he would know where to find her. No open meetings about Lincoln Park Hospital's redevelopment as promised, no returned calls about art, no statements about the proposed budget...but there were a ton of fundraising outreach efforts the last two weeks.

So what about the Blue Behemoth? "Art is art," Novak said and he's right. In no way should someone's taste in art be a danger to anyone, especially walking down the street. But contained on his own property, Novak has the right to display his art.

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